Your Habits Are Power; Review Of The Atomic Habits By James Clear


Many self-help books have come to my mind when thinking about blogging but not as good as this book.

 Because most of them have the most repetitive advice. Take the power of now as an example for one 



However, this book is such a masterpiece in my personal opinion that it is in the lead of a handful and 

unique books. Similar to thinking and growing rich along with the likes of thinking fast and slow.

 I have to hand it to the writer who molded this book into the aspect that it brings today. Because you see,

 the book is what is harbored through the man’s experience. 

It technically made me the writer I am today

What else is to say about this book is that it partially made me return to writing after I mostly lost hope. 

As well as the fact that some things in life are more in my hands to choose from. And yes, I know it is 

going against the concept of the power of the subconscious mind that I did a review before. In a way, 

when you read these books and align their values into shaping something that is beyond comprehension

, you get to discover a part of you isn’t just changing but evolving to a great degree.

Helped me partially get over depression

This book was recommended to me by my therapist and it helped me to recover from my chronic 

smoking habits along with getting my life back on track after things that had occurred due to depression.

 Because sometimes,  you need an external shake to get where you are. It is one of the most practically 

taught books that I have read in the form of self-help books. 

It takes baby steps to get to the grandeur points in your life

In terms of getting to the valid points that will make you question what is truly meant for you, this book 

teaches you a lot of it. The concept of atomic habits ranges from the fact that you as the reader will 

examine how the simplest things tend to envision a powerful base of a system.

Undoubtedly, this book is truly one of the most influential books of its time. Not to mention that the

 charm from the book dictates that the person can shape up their life with just 1% effort for as long as 

it remains consistent.

Short term pleasures are not worth it

Additionally, it is also about the fact that the person should be involved with the feeling good mechanism. 

If something feels too good and you gain long-term benefits, that means you’ve entered into the art of flow. 

It kind of relates to my previous blog which sort of linked the concept to the Ikigai book. And that, it is

 quite an amazing concept if you put your mind to it. 

Also gets rid of your toxic habits

And you must note a point, which is that if something feels good but it only lasts for short-term pleasure, 

then it means something is wrong there. However, that’s how most addictions are formed when you think

 about it. As well as that is how toxic habits are formed which you need to break a cycle of.

Habits make you the person you are currently

Moreover, the concept of this book also teaches you that the habits you pertain to tend to change you as 

a whole person. And to no arguments, that is true without any contradictions. Because the thought you 

envision as it takes the next step in becoming a repetitive action, that is the personality you are. As well 

as the fact that this is more about value beyond numbers. 

The aligned relationship between quality and quantity 

The relationship between quantity and quality are both interlinked in this book because when you think

 about it, quantity in repetitive trial and error along with molded refinement, shapes the absolute quality

 in the end. Those who partake in shaping their life by just focusing on perfection would go stagnant. 

Since the world demands that the person should be more in tune with the idea of constant growth that

 pertains to making you satisfied for as long as possible.

New habits rewire your brain

And yes, did you know that the brain’s function and even its structure change with the repetition of a

 habit? Then yes, you have heard it right. When you think about it, it was the time when a certain habit 

resulted in my getting into the habit of smoking at one point. And though it may have given me

 experience of what not to avoid, it was hard to convince my brain. 

So systematically, I had to give my brain a time out to let it have a breather. It was primarily the result

 of the willful action which made me learn how it is a bad habit.

I Truly Had To think for myself for my creativity

Putting aside my bills and how it made my heart in pain, there was the problem with how it disrupted

 my creative flow. And yes, when your brain gets involved with tobacco in general, you get to a point 

when you start to deconstruct along with the fact that the blood flow of your brain. Whether you deny

 it or not, the brain is a crucial factor in delivering your innovative skills.

 As that relates to the aspect of using multiple parts of your brain at once when you dive deeply enough.

 Think of how compound exercises give you more functional output, unlike muscle movements that only


a singular muscle setting.

Writers Need an inspirational Push From This

Not to avoid the fact that the writer was aligned with this concept based on his athletic hiatus due to 

temporarily unfortunate circumstances. And of course, the writer had to deal with a traumatic experience

 to get where he is now and made him the man he is today. For those of you who haven’t read it, just read 

the first chapter to get the gist of it.

What Else, You Ask?

What else is there to say about this book, you ask? Well, there’s plenty because, unlike most guidebooks,

 it's repetitive but not too repetitive to get you bored. Because that’s the beauty of it as the charm of this

 book dictates that the personality of the individual is constant and forever evolving.

What’s more, is that the book is something that is such an inspiring trend that even most therapists 

around the world use it as a guideline for their patients. 

In brief, I’m utterly thankful for this book without any conflicting doubts. 


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