
Showing posts from July, 2023

Your Habits Are Power; Review Of The Atomic Habits By James Clear

  Many self-help books have come to my mind when thinking about blogging but not as good as this book.  Because most of them have the most repetitive advice. Take the power of now as an example for one   thing.   However, this book is such a masterpiece in my personal opinion that it is in the lead of a handful and  unique books. Similar to thinking and growing rich along with the likes of thinking fast and slow.  I have to hand it to the writer who molded this book into the aspect that it brings today. Because you see,  the book is what is harbored through the man’s experience.  It technically made me the writer I am today What else is to say about this book is that it partially made me return to writing after I mostly lost hope.  As well as the fact that some things in life are more in my hands to choose from. And yes, I know it is  going against the concept of the power of the subconscious mind that I did a review before. In a way,  when you read these books and align their values i

The Life You Can Live With Ikigai

 The Life You Can Live With Ikigai What I seem to understand about this book is that it is one in a million for displaying something  of high simplicity with a powerful message. Moreover, it shows how the world needs to follow a  certain flow that they can control even though most people can’t prevent themselves through the  process. Your Life Is Truly In Your Own Hands And what else seems to get to me is that the art of Ikigai is about taking advantage of things that  are in the hands of a person. Undoubtedly, this book's charm related to Japanese culture is of  profound end. As the writer has explored only the healthiest land in this particular country.  Be More Linear With Your Life And of course, what you can do as the observer is to be a part of the game of the continuous flow  that takes place rather than let your mind be scattered towards places where you only belong for  a moment. Rocky’s Dateless Advice As you get deeply into the book, it also teaches you how to stand up b

Reading Enthusiast’s Passionate Review Regarding The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

Anything can be possible if you put your mind to it they would say. However, it is more about the committed action with the conscious mind that you can display assurance to resolve yourself. As an avid enthusiast on the most child-like direction toward psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, I’d say this book was an excellent trend. And that is coming from that reader who is picky when it comes to finishing books once in a blue moon. The Pinnacle for guiding oneself The power of the subconscious mind is that significant publish that has resulted in a more hopeful future.  Not to say that it is that kind of a book that just simply enforces you to be an optimist. However, it relates to the fact that the writer put so much effort into a simply repetitive concept. I would say that it is the epitome of self-help books. Because, when you think about how the book portrays the meaning of our prayers in a more actionable perspective, it just makes us realistic optimists.  The Ideology of the